Thursday 24 October 2013

Australia, art, sheep: but of course! Sheep at the Royal Academy.

Wool Week in UK take their campaign to the Royal Academy:

'To celebrate the final weekend of the UK's Wool Week, a flock of Australian/English Bowmont Merino sheep made a special appearance in the Royal Academy's courtyard over the weekend.'
Article here

And why not? Robert Hughes, in 1970, connected agriculture and Australian art, so its been done before . . .

‘An ebullient bourgeois society which loves culture as a badge, but lacks discrimination, has developed a desire for homogenous and self-contained – that is, purely Australian – art. It gets what it wants; but to speak of an Australian cultural explosion, for no reason but that a lot of Australians are painting, is meaningless. Australia also has a knitting explosion and a cooking explosion, equally to be accounted for in terms of the abundance of Australian wool and steak.’ ( Hughes, The Art of Australia, Penguin Books, 1970, p315)

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