Thursday 19 February 2015

Asylum Seekers Imprisoned by Australia

Finally an article on the BBC website about the outrageous inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum in Australia.
Abbott's government has outsourced its responsibility to Papua New Guinea and people are sent to Manus Island, north of PNG, and held in squalid prison camps ( tents behind barbed wire).
People do not know how long they will be imprisoned for - nor are they criminals.

They can apply for residency in PNG but not Australia.
It is government policy that any asylum seeker arriving by boat will not be settled in Australia.

'Four Australian cities made the top 10 "liveable" cities in 2014, as judged by the Economist Intelligence Unit, while PNG's capital Port Moresby came third from bottom, behind only Dhaka in Bangladesh and Damascus, capital of Syria.'

Link here

Guardian article re legality of turning back boats here

116 children imprisoned in Nauru by Australian Govt. Protests on 19 Feb reported here

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