Saturday, 28 February 2015

Dance, knowledge and climate change

Dance & knowledge

Dalisa Pigram of Marrugeku has worked with dancers and knowledge to think about climate change from an indigenous perspective and encourage the audience to think through feeling.
See article here 

Cut the Sky is at the Perth Festival 27 Feb - 1 March 2015

Edwin Lee Mulligan stars in Cut the Sky, a new work by Broome-based dance company Marrugeku.
Photograph: Marrugeku 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Dada | Readymades | Duchamp

Useful links for reference:
The Dada movement
Marcel Duchamp

Find articles on - the Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal

Surrealism in Australia

Photographic resource | French National Museums

Réunion des Musées Nationaux project started in 1946 and records the artworks held in the major museums 

Link here

Monday, 23 February 2015

Variety and Diversity

Sunili Govinnage's top 25 non-white reads and commentary here
Keeping the link to Good Reads here
Includes Sci-fi, and chic lit by Anita Heiss (Indigenous Australian Academic)

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Indigenous Knowledge

Dr Anne Poelina, Indigenous scientist, specialist, generalist, actionist and broker from Broome calls for all Australians to reflect on their responsibilities, at macro and micro levels, for a sustainable future for the country. Indigenous knowledge systems are essential for the wellbeing and co-existence.
We have a responsibility as scientists, researchers and practitioners to generate multiple bodies of information and practice to inform our role, not as activist but as actionist. I am passionate about working in a dialogic action way to bring about transformational change in the recognition and promotion of the multiple values of this uniquely rich Australian cultural landscape - See more at:

We have a responsibility as scientists, researchers and practitioners to generate multiple bodies of information and practice to inform our role, not as activist but as actionist. I am passionate about working in a dialogic action way to bring about transformational change in the recognition and promotion of the multiple values of this uniquely rich Australian cultural landscape.
Text here

Dr Poelina talks about the Kimberley and a commitment to making a comprehensive sustainable future at a local and planetary level.

A contributor to Madjulla Inc which works to sustain Fitzroy River culture, language and environment, Nyikina country of the lower Fitzroy River.

We have a responsibility as scientists, researchers and practitioners to generate multiple bodies of information and practice to inform our role, not as activist but as actionist. I am passionate about working in a dialogic action way to bring about transformational change in the recognition and promotion of the multiple values of this uniquely rich Australian cultural landscape. Late last year with fellow Australians we showcased and shared the places we love - See more at:
We have a responsibility as scientists, researchers and practitioners to generate multiple bodies of information and practice to inform our role, not as activist but as actionist. I am passionate about working in a dialogic action way to bring about transformational change in the recognition and promotion of the multiple values of this uniquely rich Australian cultural landscape. Late last year with fellow Australians we showcased and shared the places we love - See more at:
From my view, the major challenge of generating and maintaining Indigenous knowledge systems and intergenerational practice is not simply an issue of science engagement, but an issue of international importance; the earth’s co-existence with humanity. - See more at: my view, the major challenge of generating and maintaining Indigenous knowledge systems and intergenerational practice is not simply an issue of science engagement, but an issue of international importance; the earth’s co-existence with humanity. - See more at:

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Asylum Seekers Imprisoned by Australia

Finally an article on the BBC website about the outrageous inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum in Australia.
Abbott's government has outsourced its responsibility to Papua New Guinea and people are sent to Manus Island, north of PNG, and held in squalid prison camps ( tents behind barbed wire).
People do not know how long they will be imprisoned for - nor are they criminals.

They can apply for residency in PNG but not Australia.
It is government policy that any asylum seeker arriving by boat will not be settled in Australia.

'Four Australian cities made the top 10 "liveable" cities in 2014, as judged by the Economist Intelligence Unit, while PNG's capital Port Moresby came third from bottom, behind only Dhaka in Bangladesh and Damascus, capital of Syria.'

Link here

Guardian article re legality of turning back boats here

116 children imprisoned in Nauru by Australian Govt. Protests on 19 Feb reported here

The Power of Paper

Printmaking project set up by Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Cambridge, along with the Australian Print Workshop.

This exhibition of prints on paper, The Power of Paper,  from Australia, Canada, South Africa celebrates 50 years of printmaking through the works of 27 artist/printmakers from these three countries. Open in Cambridge from Feb through to December 2015 the exhibition programme includes workshops with a printmaker from AWP on 14 and 21 March.

Further to this, the two organisations have a project to bring 5 artists from Australia for two weeks study visit from 8 - 22 March 2015.  Participating artists in the Antipodes project at maa include:

Caroline Rothwell: Borderlands here

Tom Nicholson The Approach here. Cartoons for Joseph Selleny

Brook Andrew Andrew Frost in conversation re 17th Sydney Biennale 2010 The Beauty of distance here
Interview about curating TABOO at MCA Dec 2012- Feb 2013

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Encounters: exhibition of Indigenous Art | British Museum

Upcoming exhibition of Australian Indigenous art in April- Encounters - is starting to get onto the radar of the UK press. A joint project between the National Museum of Australia , ANU and the British Museumit promises to be one of the most significant exhibitions in the UK of Indigenous work. Produced under the curatorial guidance of Dr Gaye Sculthorpe British Museum, along with Australian curators Ian Coates & Jay Arthur, and the National Museum of Australia's Mat Trinca.

'Encounters would give Australian audiences insights into the truths about their country’s difficult past and the often complex early relationships between European settlers and original inhabitants.' says Mat Trinca 

spear thrower aboriginal
This spear thrower from north-western Australia dates to the late 19th or early 20th century. Photograph: the trustees of the British Museum

The research project that goes alongside this is Engaging Objects: Indigenous communities and museum collections

The Research Team: Professor Howard Morphy (ANU), Dr Lissant Bolton (BM), Dr Ian Coates (NMA), Dr John Carty (ANU), Dr Maria Nugent (ANU), and Dr Michael Pickering (NMA).

Cyclone Lam in Yolgnu Country Feb 2015

Cyclone Lam

Paul Daley reports in Guardian online
Calm in the face of storm
Djambawal is busy in Yirrkala

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

New video work from Christian Thompson

Refuge 2014
New work by Christian Thompson
Go to Vimeo here

Yirrkala Drawings catalogue

Sandy Toussaint's essay in Art Guide's Open Catalogue on the exhibition of Yirrkala drawings from the Berndt Museum
7 February – 11 April 2015

Yirrkala Drawings
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
7 February – 11 April 2015 - See more at:
 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
7 February to 11 April 2015
Yirrkala Drawings
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
7 February – 11 April 2015 - See more at:

Indigenous design | agencies | processes

 IDIA Indigenous Design & Innovation Aotearoa Local Contexts Frameworks for culturally appropriate engagement with cultural heritage he...