Tuesday 15 July 2014

Christian Thompson links

Some more marginalia for Christian Thompson (Bidjara people); a multidisciplinary artist using photography, performance, video, sculpture, sound who performs the fluidity of identity through these media to great effect.

Thompson's work Emotional Striptease 2003 reviewed here by Anita Angel at RealTime Arts

A comprehensive review of Emotional Striptease here on the blog of The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things.

On Thompson's own website here

Thompson is an inaugural Charlie Perkins Scholar at Oxford Ruskin School of Fine Art and Drawing: interview here in 2013

In We Bury Our Own at Pitt Rivers, Christian responds to photographic collections at Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. In the essay on this page he is quoted as saying he is involved with 'spiritual repatriation of the archive'.
Rather than directly invoking or re-presenting historic imagery, as is evident in the work of other artists such as Brook Andrew (who has also worked extensively with archives), Thompson has chosen to take the history of photographic representation of Aboriginal people as a starting point for the spiritual repatriation of the archive through the redemptive process of self-portraiture. Importantly, this process has not involved drawing on those historical markers of identity which are so prevalent in ethnographic imagery, but rather his own fluid and evolving transcultural identity, as well as biographical markers of another recent identity, that of an Oxford student in formal dress. 

I first saw the three channel HD video work Heat (2010) in Art Gallery Western Australian and have since seen in at Musee d'Aquitaine in Bordeaux (2014) Here is a clip from Heat (2010)

Hettie Perkins Art & Soul part 2 2014 promo here references a couple of his works.

Vimeo of interview with Hetti Perkins, art + soul 2 episode three aired 22 July at 8:30pm on ABC1. 14 mins, here

Lost Together (2009) here. I am writing on 'Dead as a Doornail' from this series shown in the 2013 Royal Academy exhibition 'Australia' in London.

Landscape, Siri Hayes,  and Lost Together series reviewed by Alison Inglis here 

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